IC origin
- 1982
The Industrial Chemistry Program was initiated by the Department of Science under the Faculty of Industrial Education and Science, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology North Bangkok (the title of KMUTNB at that time). The program accepted applicants who graduated with vocational certificate (mechanical and electrical). The students enrolled in that year are considered as being the IC first generation.
IC establishment
- 1988
A Royal Decree establishing the Faculty of Applied Sciences was issued with the Department of Industrial Chemistry as one of its members. This is officially the birth of the Industrial Chemistry Department. The department's office was originally located on the ground floor of Building 46 which is currently the printing office of the university (opposite to the shrine). A recreation space unit called "IC arch" was cordially built by teachers, personnel, and students to be a place for IC student to rest and do various activities. The spirit of oneness among IC members has been fostered by this place through the years.
- 1989
This year, the department welcomed its 8th generation students (IC 8th) and accepted students who had completed their secondary education to study industrial chemistry program focusing on petrochemicals. This is according to the government's policy to expedite the production of graduates in engineering and petrochemicals. This group of students was called "Intensive Program Students" In addition, the department also open another program called “Special Supplementary Program”. However, the government program for accelerating graduate production was canceled after 2 years. Therefore, the department now has regular program students and special supplementary program students.
IC new residence
- 1995
A new building construction for the Faculty of Applied Science was completed. The Department of Industrial Chemistry has moved its office to the 8th floor, Building 78, of the Faculty of Applied Science. The floor consists of Zone A and B. Zone A is used for both the department administration and the lecturer office. Zone B has been built as specialized chemistry labs for students. In addition, another building called “Chemical Storage Building” is built behind the Faculty building and used for teaching basic chemistry labs to first year students. During the relocation, the “IC arch” was dismantled and the area was reshuffled to be used as a convenience shop according to the space planning of the university. However, the proximity of the area is still be used for IC student activity during annual special occasions.
IC growth
- 1996
The Industrial Chemistry Department has launched "Master of Science Program in Industrial Chemistry" which is considered the first department of the Faculty of Applied Sciences that offers graduate programs.
- 2001
Another graduate curriculum for “Master of Science Program in Materials Science” has been opened by the department.
- 2004
Additional space has been allocated to the Industrial Chemistry Department as a part of the building extension for three more floors which was carried out by the Faculty of Applied Sciences. The 9th floor of Zone A is assigned by the department to be a special project laboratory of senior undergraduate students and a lecture room used for various purpose such as briefing before entering the laboratory.
- 2005
The Industrial Chemistry Department has started to offer “Doctor of Philosophy Program In Industrial Chemistry” which is regarded as the first department of the Faculty of Applied Science which has provided complete education from the bachelor’s degree level to the highest graduate degree level.
- 2015
The construction of another new building of the Faculty of Applied Sciences has been completed. This building is built next to the previous building of the faculty. The Industrial Chemistry Department has been allocated additional area of the whole 9th floor of the new building. The department assign this new space to be advance research laboratories and classrooms for master and doctorate students.
The current IC
• Offer complete higher education levels from the Bachelor degree, Master degree, and the Ph.D. degree level.
• Produce more than 3,000 graduates since the Department of Industrial Chemistry has been formally established in 1988.
• More than 300 undergraduate students have currently enrolled and more than 20 graduate students are actively pursuing the Master and the Ph.D. degree.
• 27 full-time lecturers.
• 11 supporting staffs as scientist, engineer, and technician.
• At present, the Department of Industrial Chemistry is highly equipped for teaching, research, and academic services by focusing on human development and strengthen Industry and technology.